Tuesday 5 September 2017

Kiwi can

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IALT:Learn how to show self control.

Today at kiwi can me and my class was having a great time at kiwi can we had a great day talking about kiwi can and how to show self control  and how to manage our emotion.

what I learned at kiwi can was a lot of things and that I learned things that I didn't know as well.

The Activities that we had was making our own handshake and another game too but I forgot the name it was called. 
I would like to thank you to the kiwi can teacher for using their time to come and teach us things is positive and good to use when we are older.

What we need to work on is to listen to the speaker and use our inside voice when we are going back to class because our teacher was not happy at us so we needed to go back down and re walk up to our classroom.

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