Monday 4 September 2017

Hip hop

Image result for Hip hop
IALT:Work as a team.

Today Me and my class was having kiwi sport our teacher name was Jasmine and she put us into to groups to make up our own dance and it was fun and amazing our movements was Macarena,Alf,James Brown, and Sene Mono brown.

These moves that we used helped us to work as a team to come up on how we were going to display this when we showed the class.

  1. What we did was we stayed with Macarena
  2. Then Alf
  3. Then James brown 
  4. And at lest Senes Mono Brown.
If you don't know what Sene Mono Brown is if you do here is why we did it becuase we wanted to make it funny so it can be fun becuase when we looked at most our class member they were not that happy today so me and my group which is Sene,Sifa and me.

So what we did was add Sene Mono Brown so it can work and guest what happend they strate to laugh and looked at Sene it work but Sene was alright.

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