Wednesday 23 August 2017

Kiwi Multiplication Game

IALA:A game call  Kiwi Multiplication Game.

Today me and my friend Matthew was playing Kiwi Multiplication Game and it was fun because we had to times it if you want to know about this and how to play it here it is down below.

  • To Practice 2,5 and 10 times talbes and the corresponding divison facts
  • You need

Game board
Spinner or dice with 1,2,3,1,2,3
One counter per player 
Two,Three or four player 
  • How to play
  • Each player chooses a kiwi to start on and places their counter on that kiwi.
  • One player at a time takes their tun to throw the dice (or spin the spinner) and moves forward that number of spaces. When they land on a number they must say a multiplication problem that results in that number or a division problem that begins with that number. For example, if they land on a 30 they might say 3 times 10 is 30 or 6 times 5 is 30 or 30 divided by 10 is 3 or 30 divided by 6 is 5.

  •  If they are correct they are safe and pass the dice on to the next player. If they are incorrect or cannot come up with an equation they move back two spaces. The first kiwi to reach the nest is the winner. Variations: Two players with two kiwis each. Change the rules to allow doubles or halves as well.
What I enjoyed was that it wans't that challgneing for me and that i keep wining what I didn't like was I keep wining I would like to do something else that is challenging for me.

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